BH VILLAGE - Formular

The goal of the portal "BH VILLAGE" is development of rural tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina through the promotion of ethno villages / rural households. We want to make it easier for homeowners to find the way to new visitors, and vice versa.

imageThe holders of households and ethno villages by completing the questionnaire define their offers and give their consent to free promotion of their tourist attractions on the portal "BH VILLAGE". By entering the exact details and additional information about your accommodation, you will enable new tourists to find more easily the way to you.


After sending of your completed Formular, your offer will be processed and adapted to the parameters of the portal Your offer becomes visible after it has been approved by the administrator. Please find the Term of Use in the link below.

By sending of completed formular on our E- mail ( or post address (Mihrivode 59, 71000 Sarajevo, BiH), you guarantee for the accuracy of the entered data and you are obligated to inform us timpely on any changes in your offer.



Formular: Upitnik za nosioce domaćinstva.doc (language version:)

The Term of Use: Pravilnik korištenja stranice BH Selo (language version: )